Starting a fish aquarium business in India How to

fish aquarium business in India

If you are thinking about low cost small business idea which can fetch some handsome money in your pocket than fish aquarium business or ornamental fish business in India can be a good business idea.

Aquarium fish store or aquarium fish business still has a lot of potential as there are still many households that do not own a fish aquarium.

We insist that you should do a little research at your end itself in your area and find out the relevant need of the business.

What you have to do is to ask friends and relatives in your circle or just visit their homes and check out if whether they have fish aquariums in their homes, you will be surprised that there is a only a feeble chance that you will be able to find only a few one of them or there may be none.

There are lot of myths around installing a fish aquarium at home like they come expensive, its cumbersome to maintain the aquarium to do the cleaning, aquariums take a lot of space, fish food is not available in their area and the list goes on.

It is because nobody is enough educated on having a fish aquarium at home or their work place is not at all cumbersome.

Perhaps, there are lots of benefits related to fish keeping a fish aquarium from the health and fengshui point of view.

Start a ornamental fish business in India

That is where our conviction should lie that there is still a lot of potential in the business and only if one is ready to give best services at an affordable price than surely many more people will be interested in buying the aquariums. One could find many shops and providers who sell and make beautiful fish aquarium in every city but are still not able to reach out as many households and offices in their area this is because their pricing for aquariums are very high and they are also not able to demystify the myths around the fish aquarium.

If you have enough wisdom then this your chance to initiate a startup with the vision to gave a beautiful fish aquarium to every household and office at your place. By and large your business after selling a single fish aquarium will not be over; certainly from time to time people will need services like replenishing the need for fish food, cleaning or repairing the tank, buying new beautiful and exciting fishes, decorating the tank with new line of oceanic stones and pebbles, getting a new toy oxygen infusing machine and also caring for the sick fish.

After sales service, is also a great way to retain the happy customers and keeping the fish business alive. In the article we will also discuss the health benefits and what all fengshui has to say about keeping a fish aquarium at home.

Also further, we will discuss in the article about the business plan and investment in the business.

Health and fengshui or Vaastu benefits of keeping a fish aquarium at home or office.

Many studies have now clearly proven that watching fish movements in an aquarium relieves and soothes stress. The beautiful rhythm and graceful movements that which the fish creates while swimming soothes our eyes and our inner system and thus when stress is relieved many problems like blood pressure, headache, Alzheimer, anxiety etc are themselves gets better.

You also must have experienced yourself that whenever you have got a chance to watch those beautiful, colorful, full with life fish in the aquarium tank and gazed constantly their swimming techniques, how they carelessly play in the tank water, have also made you forgotten all your worries for that very moment and if the same thing is kept in your home for 24 hours then you can do that in anytime of the day, there is a whole lot of therapeutic effects of keeping a fish tank at home.

Besides health benefits there are other fengshui or vastu benefits also for keeping a fish tank at home or even at your office.

According to vastu and fengshui keeping a fish aquarium in your home or office will bring great luck in accordance to wealth, money and abundance.

Many big business houses already know it and that is why they have placed fish aquariums and huge tanks in their business offices.

Now all these information we are giving out is for the purpose of your knowledge and how you could grow your customers in the times to come.

Although there are many hobbyist, those who already have interest in nurturing fishes at home, so you will easily find customers for your services and starting a business with a small crowd would not be a big deal. Getting new ones will be your challenge and that is the void you will fill if you plan to grow your business and have greater vision.

Now the question arises that what should be the business model, from our point of view you should start with a small shop and then also go online, through the shop you could locally reach out to people and with online website you could reach enthusiast outside your city, online business will also help you make more sales and good profits.

How to get started (aquarium shop business plan and investment)

First thing first is to learn about the in and out of the ornamental fish business, accessories associated, costing of fresh water and salt water fish, how to create different fish aquariums etc.

Apparently there are no particular place where you could learn, the best way is to go for online tutorial video on youtube and websites which will be really helpful for you.

Other way round is to work in a fish aquarium shop and learn from there, we guess starting to learn from the youtube videos and online medium is the best way initially, rest you can learn through on the go in your own business.

Another word of advice would be that initially keep staff that already have some prior experience, this way you will get help and you can also learn the trade secrets at the same time.

Working closely with the vastu shastri and interior decorator will help you grow your business and bring you more opportunities. To maintain the shop, staffing, and procuring the accessories and equipment initial investment is utmost from 2 lakh rupees to 5 lakh rupees. Under this cost you could have enough variety of fishes, aquarium decoration items, salaries to pay to the staff and maintain the essential inventory.
How to give momentum to starting your fish aquarium business in by applying these marketing strategies.

Initially you don’t need to invest much in the marketing, your marketing strategy should be plain and simple, provide the fish aquarium in the most affordable price, win the customer and their word of mouth should market you in the business. As we have discussed earlier leave your business card with home interior decorators, architects, vastu pundits etc. this will help you have referral customers from these points also.

We also strongly suggest that from the start you should make your online presence so that when your business will achieve a good momentum then you will not have to struggle for Google’s attention, search results should show your website among top three search results. Now days, for any entrepreneur, it is of so much importance that your business should have online presence. Initiate tie ups with websites like Amazon India and Alibaba for your more online customers. Thrive to provide best affordable service in the business and you will reach mammoth business goal within no time.

Start a fish aquarium business in India

Other strategy for marketing would be, using the social mediums like Facebook and Twitter to show your line of fish varieties, aquarium models with price comparison, articles on fish aquariums, articles on fish tanks and fengshui, articles on fish aquariums and health benefits, accessories available at your store, tips on cleaning & maintaining the fish aquarium and how to care for a sick fish, all these efforts and social teasers will bring about name and will give you strong place in the market.


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