Aluminum Utensil Unit Project Report Bank loan PDF


Aluminum is a metal having high strength to weight ratio, better favorability, high thermal and electrical conductivity, high ductility and anti-corrosion property.  Because of its multi dimensional property Aluminum has replaced a numbers of traditional materials from their established uses.  Major products produced out of Aluminum and its alloys are Utensils, Utility items such as Doors windows, Office equipment, furniture, Aluminum foils, capsules, collapsible tubes, holders, fittings & fixtures. Aluminum Utensils are widely used among the rural masses in view of its durability and cheapness.

Can the Bakery Project Report Be Used as a Template for the Aluminum Utensil Unit Project?

The suitability of using a bakery project report for bank loan as a template for the aluminum utensil unit project depends on various factors. While the general sections of the report like market analysis and financial projections may offer insights, it is crucial to tailor the content to the specific requirements and nuances of the utensil industry.

Aluminum Utensil Unit Project Report Bank loan PDF

1Name of the Product                                               :Aluminium Utensil
  2  Project Cost                                                             : 
aCapital Expenditure  
 Land                                                                      ::Rs.Own    
 Building Shed 1500 Sq.ft                                       300000.00
 Equipment                                                             (Rolling m/c, Spinning lathe, Power Press, Digital & Analog, Amp-meter, Test panel, Deep drawing m/c, Circular cutting, furnace, Annealing plant Grinder, Tools & Dies etc.)  Rs.800000.00
 Total Capital Expenditure                                          Rs.       1100000.00

b Working Capital                                                         Rs.      756000.00

TOTAL PROJECT COST                                               Rs.      1856000.00

3    Estimated Annual Production of Aluminum Utensils  :       (Value in ‘000)

Sr.No.ParticularsCapacityRateTotal Value
  1  Aluminum Utensils    3787.00
 TOTAL  3787.00
4Raw Material                                                            :Rs.2500000.00
5Lables and Packing Material                                  :Rs.10000.00
6Wages (Skilled & Unskilled)                                   :Rs.500000.00
7Salaries                                                                     :Rs.200000.00
8Administrative Expenses                                       :Rs.100000.00
9Overheads                                                                :Rs.200000.00
10Miscellaneous Expenses                                        :Rs.25000.00
11Depreciation                                                             :Rs.95000.00
12Insurance                                                                  :Rs.11000.00
13Interest (As per the PLR) a.     C.E.Loan    Rs.    143000.00
 b.     W.C.LoanRs.98280.00
 Total InterestRs.241280.00
14Working Capital Requirement                                : Fixed Cost    Rs.    479000.00
 Variable CostRs.3308280.00
 Requirement of WC per CycleRs.756456.00
15Estimated Cost Analysis  
Sr.No. Particulars Capacity Utilization(Rs in ‘000)   100%   60%   70%   80%   1 2 3 4 5 6   Fixed Cost Variable Cost Cost of Production Projected Sales Gross Surplus Expected Net Surplus   479.00 3308.00 3787.00 4200.00 413.00 318.00   287.00 1984.80 2272.20 2520.00 247.80 190.80   335.30 2315.60 2650.90 2940.00 289.10 222.60   383.20 2646.40 3029.60 3360.00 330.40 254.40    

Note  :   1. All figures mentioned above are only indicative and may vary from place to place.

2. If the investment on Building is replaced by Rental Premises a.  Total Cost of Project will  be reduced.

b.  Profitability will be increased.

c.  Interest on C.E. will be reduced.

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