Best 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab


Best 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab

Are you looking for information regarding best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are at the right spot. Keep on reading forward to learn more.

If you are a resident of Punjab, you must be aware that Punjab’s soil is fertile and productive and has accorded it the status of ‘Granary of India’ or the ‘Breadbasket of India‘.

Occupying only 1.5 % of India’s geographical area, the state of Punjab is produces a huge quantity of rice and wheat.

The above condition makes it suitable for agriculture industries, dairy farming and products, and other food processing industries.

This state has been ranked first in India in terms of the infrastructure facilities offered.

Punjab’s road, rail, and air transport network, connectivity, construction of bridges, and infrastructure facilities are rated among the best.

Furthermore, Punjab has the easiest procedures to set up a business, according to a study by the World Bank and KPMG. Punjab also had set up a Bureau of Investment Promotion in December 2013 for a one-stop clearance of investment proposals.

Best 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab
Best 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab

List of 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab that You can Try Today

1. Aroma Therapy

Medicinal herbs and aromatic crop farming are the new trends in Punjab that you can try today.

Starting an aromatherapy business in Punjab will be a wise decision, so you can definitely consider doing it.

Aromatherapy is a therapeutic treatment with essential oils which can be used by anybody for the physical, physiological, mental, and spiritual well-being daily or or when required.

Aroma Therapy
Aroma Therapy

2. Open a Bakery Business in Punjab

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you can open a bakery business in Punjab.

Punjab has a strong agriculture base with a huge production of principal crops, so if you want, you can initiate a bakery business an make it successful in two ways.

You can establish a bakery with a retail location or you can choose to sell freshly baked items from your store.

You can even choose to establish a large-scale bakery business which provides items to retailers.

The bakery is no doubt one of the most proven and profitable business ideas in Punjab you can try, but make sure to follow a proper planning and business plan.

Small Bakery Project Report
Best 10 Small Business Ideas in Punjab 4

3. Certified Seed Production

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn how you can indulge yourself in certified seed production business.

You must already know that the seed is the most vital and critical input in agriculture on which the efficacy of other agricultural inputs depends on.

Seed acts as a catalyst in agricultural production and the seed sector has made impressive progress over the last three decades as well.

Please note that, there has been a steady increase in the breeder seed and quality seed produced over the year.

Seed certification is a quality assurance system whereby seed intended for marketing is subjected to official control and inspection.

Crops like paddy, flowers, and vegetable seed production are the most profitable venture in this field.

4. Garment Manufacturing

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn more about how can you start your own garment manufacturing.

Punjab has emerged as a key hub for textile-based industries including hosiery, readymade garments, and yarn.

With the development of apparel parks, favorable textile policy, and other incentives for the creation of textile infrastructure, the state offers opportunities for investment as well.

In this scenario, garment manufacturing can be one of the most profitable business you can try today.

5. Greeting Card Making

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn how can you indulge yourself in greeting card making business.

This business is absolutely lucrative for any individual including housewives and students. A greeting card is an illustrated piece of high-quality paper featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiments.

Greeting cards are a billion-dollar industry you can definitely consider investing in. People need it for plenty of reasons, such as on birthdays, anniversaries, and for business reasons as well.

6. Grow Cash Crop plants in Punjab

In this section of best 10 small business in Punjab, you are going to learn how can you grow cash crop plants in Punjab.

We all know that Punjab is well known for its agricultural activities and plantations.

Agricultural activities have occupied a high % of land in Punjab because of its land which is perfect for cropping.

Identifying and selecting the profitable cash crop plants to grow is the most crucial factor in a successful commercial cash crop farming.

The price of cash crops will be dictated by many factors such as the number of competitors, demand and supply, development of new products, etc.

7. Livestock Feed Production

In this section of best 10 business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn how can you start a business of rearing livestock.

Livestock farming in Punjab plays an essential role in the state’s economy. Livestock like cattle, goats, and birds are the most popular.

You must be aware that the primary source of milk and other dairy products in the state is the buffalo.

Additionally, the state ranks at the top in the country in the availability of milk after Haryana and Gujrat. The feed production to livestock is one of the most profitable business ideas in Punjab you can try today.

8. Micronutrient Manufacturing

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn how can you manufacture micronutrients.

Punjab is one of the most fertile regions on the earth. The region is going to be ideal for growing the wheat crop. Rice, fruits, sugar cane, and vegetables are also grown. Micronutrients are definitely essential items for any type of crop farming.

If you are interested in this business type, you can consider starting a micronutrient production business with substantial capital investment.

9. Organic Farming Greenhouse

Organic farming is no doubt a new trend which is picking up pace in Punjab. The State Government has declared that an organic farming board will be set up in his State to aid and promote chemical-free agricultural practices in the State.

You can choose to start an organic farming greenhouse business with proper planning and a moderate investment.

The land is going to be the main criterion for starting this business in Punjab, so make sure that you give some thought before you decide on a location.

10. Toothpaste Production

In this section of best 10 small business ideas in Punjab, you are going to learn how can you produce your own toothpaste.

An important feature of the industrial scenario of Punjab is its small-sized industrial units.

You can start toothpaste production with allied products like tooth powder and toothpaste in gel form.

Toothpaste is a household consumable item and generally comes as either white abrasive paste or a clear gel.

A small-scale toothpaste production company is one of the most profitable business ideas in Punjab that you can try today from the comforts of your house.

So, this was our article on best 10 small business ideas in Punjab to try today. If you liked our content, make sure to comment down below and share it with your friends.

Not sure, from where to start? You can read our article on profitable business Ideas in South Korea.


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